editorial | 03 4 2016 implants Munich extraordinaire! Dear colleagues, Anything but ordinary—Our DGZI family has only recently experienced eventful days in Munich during our 46 th International Annual Congress. Extraordinary, no doubt, was the choice of Munich as event location, which certainly is always worth a trip. Moreover, the two congress days were packed with knowledge and expertise of renowned speakers from Germany and abroad, organised by congress makers Prof. Dr Herbert Deppe and Prof. (CAI) Dr Roland Hille. We also experienced an exceptional cooperation among colleagues, within the lecture halls as well as during the evening event on the Octoberfest Wiesn at the Löwenbräu brewery, which has proven to be an unforgettable event especially for our international guests. Furthermore, we have seen an exceptional congress organisation, which is why I would like to especially thank our headquarters and their leader Dr Torsten Hartmann as well as the OEMUS MEDIA AG team...